Canadian Grants, Funding and Contracts

One of the most significant grants and funding opportunities come from the department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada also known as ISC. This department works with Canadians to improve conditions for investment, enhance Canada’s innovation performance, increase Canada’s share of global trade and build a fair, efficient and competitive marketplace.

ISC is the federal institution that leads the Innovation, Science and Economic Development and is the main government funder for innovators that are in the commercialization stage of their development. This funding initiative run through ISC is known as Testing Stream.

Funding - Government Grants Canada

Canadian Grants

Finance - Federal Government Grant Program Canada


Contracts - Government Business Grants


Funding through Testing Stream Canada

The testing steam program is valued at $550,000 for nonmilitary innovative products and services and up to $1.15 million for their military counterparts. The program helps to polish your efforts by leveraging government partnerships that test your goods and services and subsequently provide you with feedback that comes in handy before launch. It’s a valuable dry run before you hit the marketplace.

The goal of this grant and funding opportunity is to create prequalify and test innovations that address a broad range of new products. These innovations will be evaluated and tested by departments in the Canadian Government. The total combined budget for each call for proposals equates to over $60 million per year. To learn more about the program: Testing Stream Details

The Requirements for Testing Stream

All the proposals are vetted through Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) and the National Research Council (NRC).

To get funding, your innovation must be ready to be tested operationally at the time of the submission of the Testing Stream application. The requirement is that the innovation must be 7 or higher. This is outlined on the government website and is referred to as the “Technology Readiness Level,” aka TRL, see link: TRL Level Description for details.

There are different criteria used to award funding include whether your organization has all the required approvals and certifications for safety testing, if necessary

SolXplus: Partnering with You Toward Successful Funding Opportunities with the Canadian Government

SolXplus can help you by leveraging your financial goals and match you with the Canadian Government contracts

How can we support you?

SolXplus has the skills and expertise to help your company win a Testing Stream grants/funding/contracts. Our priority is making sure that we walk you through the application process toward a successful completion. Success depends on having all the necessary elements in the application.

We work with our clients to help you produce an impeccable application that is detailed, thorough, and ready for submission.

Our process involves a series of 10 one-hour meetings that includes discussions and multiple final edits. Our communications team makes sure that your answers are insightful, flow and meet the necessary criteria.

What SolXplus requires for a successful application

It is important for every company that we work with provide quantifiable data and scientific evidence as well as technical descriptions of the product. For the best chances of success all the fields in the form will need to be filled out in full and the applicants should use up the entire word count or as close to that number as possible.

The innovation needs to be either be a new process, or a new technology that is not currently available OR there must be significant modifications to existing application, process, or technology.

Your innovation must meet one or more of the “ISC definitions” of innovation below to qualify. The Innovation/invention:

Is a new technology or new process that is not currently available in the marketplace.

Has significant modifications to the application of existing technologies/components or processes that are applied in a setting or condition for which current applications are not possible or feasible.

An improvement in functionality, cost or performance over an existing technology or process that is considered state-of-the-art or the current industry best practice.

The SolXplus Difference

We can help you prepare an efficient and effective testing plan and identify suitable testing environments to make this grant a winning submission. Let us help you strategize about your product line and approach. Our critical tactics and support through the process can help dramatically increase your chances of success.

Government Grants Canada | Innovation Canada Grants | Federal Government Grant Program Canada

Partnering with You for Successful Grant Opportunities – Canadian Government


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